Photos and documents from the family archive of Nikolay Preobrazhensky

History of  Preobrazhensky`s  family in photos and documents

Vasily Preobrazhensky

Antonina Preobrazhenskaya

Nikolay Preobrazhensky

Photo album prepared by N.Preobrazhensky and T.Feigmane

To the memory of Russian enlighteners

On 10 November 2014 on the blessing of  the Metropolite of Riga and Latvia Alexander,  initiative of Latvian Orthodox Church, Riga High school Nr.40 and the Institute of Russian Cultural Heritage took place the opening of the memorial board on the building of Riga High School Nr.40 (Akas st. 10) to the memory of outstanding pedagogues and organizers of the Days of Russian Culture in Latvia – Adrian Mossakovsky and Elpidifor Tikhonitsky. At the openinf of the Memorial Board was present and participated in readings E. Tikhonitsky`s grandson John Drobot, deacon  of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Paris.
Photo album prepared by: D. Trubetskoi, S. Tsoya, T. Feigmane

100-th anniversary of Father Georgy Taylov

On November 29, 2014, in the town of Ogre, a presentation of the book  about Georgy Taylov (articles, memoirs) dedicated to the Centenary of the archpriest Georgy Taylov (1914-2014) took place.

On December 14, 2014, in Moscow House in Riga, an intellectual meeting , dedicated to the Centenary of the archpriest Georgy Taylov, was held.

Photo album prepared by Dimitry Ttubetskoy and Tatyana Feigmane

Presentation of the collection of articles, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of philosopher Larisa Chukhina

On December 3, 2014, in the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Latvian University,  the book, dedicated to the Centenary of philosopher Larisa Chukhina,was presented.
Photo album  prepared by T.Feigmane.

From Igor Yakovlev's family photo archive

Igor Yakovlev's photo album features the life of Russian artistic intellectuals in Riga in the 1930-ies - 50-ies.

Igor Yakovlev

Photo album prepared by Andrei Yakovlev

Military men of the I World War member-countries

Figures of military men executed by Pyotr Khudobchyonok


The First World War

Military armament of the I World War times

The mock-up of military machinery executed by Pyotr Khudobchyonok



Ceremony of laying the foundation of the temple in the name of Kazan icon of The Mother of God

On 28 July 2013 with the participation of the metropolitan of Riga and the whole Latvia, Alexander, bishop of Daugavpils and Rezekne, Alexander, Riga and Jurmala clergy and a large number of believers in Dzintari (Jurmala) took place a solemn ceremony of laying the foundation of the Orthodox temple, destroyed by Godless authorities in 1962.

Photo album prepared by T. Feigmane.

The International Sailing Regatta in Riga

The International Sailing Regatta  The Tall Ships Races 2013  in Riga, July 25-28.
Phoo album prepared by Dmitry Zhilin.

Latvia in the eyes of a painter Ervin Volfile

Ervin Volfile (1900-1991). Baltic German, one of the 1-st graduates of Latvian Academy of Arts. He worked as a teacher of drawing in secondary schools of Madona and Cesvaine.
In 1939 he repatriated to Germany.
The album prepared by T.Feigmane
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