Riga’s Old Believers  in Paris

Riga’s Old Believers in Paris

Ivan Yupatov, Natalya Yupatova (nee Lashkova) and Mikhail Lashkov (left to right) in Paris, early 20th century. Photo from the archive of T. Feigmane.

From left to right: Ivan Yupatov, Natalya Yupatova (nee Lashkova) and Mikhail Lashkov, brother ofNaalya Ivan Yupatov (1865 – 1944) received a brilliant education in the best universities in Russia. He was a skilled technical engineer and professor. Taught at the University of Warsaw and the Don Polytechnic Institute. Mr. Yupatov contributed to establishing the Polytechnic Institute in Odessa. In 1920 returned to independent Latvia, where he was the head of the Russian Department at the LR Ministry of Education for over 10 years.