Old Believers of Riga saluted Emperor Alexander III
Eduard Meksh (1939-2005) – a specialist in literature, habilitated doctor of pedagogics, professor of the University of Daugavpils. >>
Yuri Merkuryev (1954) – Professor, Habilitated Doctor of Engineering, specialist in the field of imitation modeling of complex systems. Full member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences with a degree in computer science (2014). >>
Vladimir Merkulov (1944) – Doctor of Engineering, docent of Riga Technical University. >>
Yuri Muratov (1935) – Docent of the Riga Polytechnic institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences. >>
Denis Mickewicz (1929) – PhD in Slavic Languages and Comparative Literature. Director of the Russian Choir of Yale University (USA). >>
Juri Mikhailov (1927-1994) – a physicist, academician of Latvian Academy of Sciences. >>
Feoktista Mikhailova (1906-1936) – Doctor of Philosophy, teacher, public figure. >>
Viktor Mironov (1941) – professor of the Riga Technical University, Hab. Doctor of Engineering, specialist on the field of powder metallurgy, material engineering and construction mechanization. >>
Anatoly Miroshnikov (1926-2007) – Doctor of Economics, professor. >>
Vladimir Mirsky (1920-1998) – assistant professor of the Сhair of Russian literature of the University of Latvia, teacher of Riga Orthodox Theological Seminary, a poet and translator. >>