Sergey Daugovish (1948-2021) – Doctor of philology, associate professor (from 1998 to 2002), head of the Chair of Russian literature of the University of Latvia. >>
Yevgeny Derun (1936) – docent of Riga Technical University. >>
Anna Dokuchayeva (1939) – Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Riga Polytechnic Institute >>
Yevgeny Dolinino-Ivansky (1913 -?) – Docent of the Department of Tool Production of the Riga Polytechnic Institute. >>
Natalya Donets (1919-1993) – Candidate of philology, docent of the Chair of Russian language of the Latvian State University. >>
Ruslan Doroshenko (1941) – associate professor of Riga Technical University. >>
Vasily Doroshenko (1921–1992) – a leading specialist in the economic history of Latvia. >>
Tatyana Drizina (1920-?) – Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent of the Riga Polytechnic Institute (from 1990 – Riga Technical University). >>
Maxim Dukhanov (1921-2001) – Doctor of Historical Sciences (Dr. hab. hist.), from 1965 to 1969 - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the State University of Latvia, professor. >>
Mira Dukul (1930-2014) – Candidate of Pedagogics, docent of the Chair of Russian Language of the Latvian State University. >>