Yelena Faitelsone (1938-2021) – Doctor of Engineering (Dr. sc. ing.), a specialist in the field of physics and mechanics of polymers. >>
Viktor Fastritsky (1930–1998) – Habilitated Doctor of Engineering (Dr. habil. sc. ing.), Professor of the Riga Technical University. >>
Tatyana Feigmane (1952) – Doctor of history (Dr. hist.), a manager of the Internet project«Russians of Latvia». >>
Sergey Feoktistov (1939-2015) – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent of Riga Polytechnic Institute, from 1980 to 1992 assistant professor of the Riga Civil Engineering Aviation Institute. >>
Alexander Filippov (1944) – Doctor of Engineering (Dr. sc. ing.), Docent of the Riga Polytechnic Institute, since 1990 – Riga Technical University. >>
Moisey Finkelshtein (1922–1992) – professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honourable polar explorer, Laureate of the USSR State Rrize. >>
Andrey Flyorov (1920-1992) – Professor, Vice-Rector of the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers from 1971 to 1976. >>
Vladimir Foliforov (1932-2008) – Director of The Special Design Bureau of magnetic hydrodynamics of the Institute of Physics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences from 1986 to 2002. >>
Tamara Fomina (1916-1995) – Doctor of Philology(Dr. philol.), a specialist in Classical philology translator and assistant professor of the University of Latvia. >>
Yuri Frantsman (1939-1998) – Habilitated Doctor of physics (Dr. habil. phys.), a famous astronomer. >>