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Yuri Artyukh

Yuri Artyukh

Yuri Artyukh (1943, Vinnytsia, Ukrainian SSR – 2012, Riga, Republic of Latia) – Habilitated Doctor of Computer Studies, professor, specialist in the field of informatics and computer technology.

Yuri Artyukh was born on 19 April 1943 in Ukraine, graduated from the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering of Riga Polytechnic Institute. Y.Artyukh  defended his thesis in 1972 and got the candidate degree in technical sciences, in 1990 - doctor's degree, had a position of professor (1993). The main theme of his research - techniques of signals procession, precise time measurement, creation of unconventional methods for measuring frequency and  time.

He headed the scientific team laboratory in Latvian Academy of Sciences dealing with high  prcssion measurement od time events (object timing).

Under his supervision were created different unique devices -  events times wich could be use in different fields: medecine geophysics.

Yuri Artyukh is the author of more than 200 scientific publications and 50 patents.  His scientific achievements are known and highly appreciated  in Latvia and abroad.