Natalia Agronomova (1869–1969) – from 1888 worked a as teacher. From 1929 to 1935 was a Principal of Riga 3rd Ruussian Primary school. >>
Semyon Ainbinder (1914-1984) – Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialist in the field of mechanics. >>
Vera Akhmetova (1936–2021) – teacher of English, Director of Riga 10th Secondary School from 1979 to 1992 >>
Pyotr Aksyonov (1868-1942) – Headmaster of Riga 5th Russian Elementary school from 1920 to 1934. Member of the Board of the Riga Grebenshchikov Old Believer Community >>
Pyotr Albedinsky (1826-1883) – a general, politician. From 1866 to 1870 Governor-General of Livonia, Estland and Courland. >>
Nikolay Alekseyev (1911-1962) – director of the factory VEF from 1958 to 1962. >>
Pyotr Alekseyev (1849-1913) – physician, writer; assistant of the Governorate medical inspector in Transbaikalia (Chita, 1888-1895); assistant of the Governorate medical inspector in Livonia (Riga, 1895-1913). >>
Vyacheslav Alekseyev (1871-?) – teacher of history, Russian and Latin. >>
His Eminence Alexander (1939) – Metropolitan of Riga and all Latvia. >>