The Old Believers of Riga
The photo album has been prepared for the 250th anniversary of the Dormition Church of the Grebenshchikov Old Believers’ Community.
Illustrations to the presentation "The Old Believers of Riga".
Sources of photographs used in the album:
Archive of the
Riga Grebenshchikov Old Believers’ Community,
Archive of the Old Believers’
Society of Latvia,
Archive of the I. Zavoloko Old Believers’ Society,
Family archives of the Old Believers of Riga (families Zhilko, Miroljubov,
Vasiljev, Volkov, Chernjavskie, Isachenko, and Langer),
Photographs from the
issue Русские в Латвии. Каталог выставки. (Рига, 2008.)
Special thanks for the photographs to:
Vladimir Nikonov,
Nikolay Ivanov,
Anatoliy Shutenkov,
Martin Kudrjavcev,
Vasiliy Degtjarjov,
Viktoria Matison
Aleksiy Karataev,
Pjotr Aleksejev,